Monday, June 25, 2007

The Farmers Market Cooking Challenge

One of the reasons I am out in Los Angeles this summer is because of the colorful Farmer's Market on Third Street Promenade every Wednesday morning. REAL food.

Another indirect reason is because Top Chef just started a new season Wednesday night at 10 pm. Watching this show makes me so hungry. By the time the final dishes are shown or like Pavlov at 10:45 pm, I want to add 3500 calories to my intake and then sleep on it, dreaming of a full-time chef at my beck and call, my beans and cauliflower.

So I devised...a WEEKLY Farmers Market Challenge!

I run to the Farmer's Market on Third Street Promenade 2 blocks away from the Pacific Ocean with either ideas in mind or to be inspired by what's there, have my 20$ bill in my sweaty fist like a five year old, spend til there is no change left, and get on the Number 3 bus to arrive home, just in time to sit down at my at-home computer job, by 1 pm. After work is over, I have ONE HOUR to prepare my dishes (in order to accomplish it in Top Chef Real Time).

Whatever happens gets plated, and eaten up in front of the latest episode of Top Chef.

A Plate, a Glass of Wine, TV commentary, Food Discussion on preparation, politics, sustainability, creativity as offered up to an enthusiastic, high aesthetics but learning-as-we-go chef. Notice small caps.

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